For sales leaders looking to refine strategy, bringing on an outside strategy consultant provides an objective perspective to identify performance improvement and growth opportunities. Sales organizations often get caught in the weeds of day-to-day execution, making it difficult to focus on optimizing high-impact levers for maximum results. An experienced strategy consultant takes a top-down view of sales operations, structure, talent, and markets to spot gaps constraints and possibilities. Rather than remaining stuck firefighting daily crises, sales executives can focus on big picture strategy while leveraging external expertise to analyze root causes and design solutions. This list provides 10 ways a strategy consultant can help optimize sales headcount, compensation, pricing, processes, analytics, collaboration, and culture to accelerate revenue growth. With real examples and examination of potential trade-offs, sales leaders can prioritize quick wins and long-term strategic initiatives when engaging consulting support.

1. Assess sales organization structure and headcount.

– Model current capacity versus growth objectives
– Identify needed specialized sales roles
– Evaluate manager spans of control

Pros and Cons:
Validating headcount needs provides hiring roadmap but adds costs. Certain solutions require specialized roles. But silos should be avoided. Reasonable spans of control enable coaching but more managers means less selling.

2. Analyze sales data to identify performance improvement opportunities.

– Review sales cycle times by deal stage
– Assess conversion rates by lead source
– Evaluate sales rep productivity distribution

Pros and Cons:
Sales cycle analysis spots inefficient stages but multivariate factors exist. Source conversion ratios optimize investments but metrics require scrubbing. Productivity variance highlights coaching needs but low performers require tact.

3. Design sales territory assignments and optimization.

– Map geographic alignment to growth potential
– Develop methodology for strategic territory planning
– Create data-driven approach to accounts distribution

Pros and Cons:
Factoring growth potential allows strategic assignments but theoretical models differ from actual. A sound methodology repeats success but risks over-engineering. Data-driven territory design provides objectivity but change resistance likely.

4. Build compensation plan strategies.

– Model pay mix, ratios, leverage, and expansion runway
– Develop competitive base, commission, and bonus structures
– Design sales contests, SPIFFs, and incentive programs

Pros and Cons:
Pay modeling enables flexibility but requires governance. Getting pay right is crucial for attraction and retention but costs may rise. Incentives provide motivation lift but can distort if not structured appropriately.

5. Create pricing and discounting strategies.

– Conduct price optimization analysis
– Develop pricing guidelines and approval matrices
– Provide pricing training to improve deal margins

Pros and Cons:
Price optimization supports profitability but risks customer backlash if mishandled. Guidance and approvals enable consistency but limit flexibility. Pricing training builds proficiency but time intensive.

6. Assess sales process and methodology.

– Identify constraints or gaps in current workflows
– Review playbooks and training for enhancement areas
– Evaluate sales enablement tools and content

Pros and Cons:
Workflow assessments improve execution but time-intensive. Playbook and training audits highlight maturity areas but risks change fatigue. Sales enablement enhancements build capability but require extensive coaching.

7. Create implementation planning for sales initiatives.

– Develop change management strategies and plans
– Provide project management and coaching
– Design sales team communication plans

Pros and Cons:
Change management drives adoption but risks rushed timelines. Project management delivers results but adds costs. Communication maintains alignment but risks information overload.

8. Design sales reporting, analytics, and forecasting capabilities.

– Build pipeline reporting, projections, and analytics
– Create executive dashboards and KPI reporting
– Establish win/loss and lead analysis frameworks

Pros and Cons:
Reporting and analytics increase visibility but data quality is imperative. Executive dashboards enable data-driven decisions if adopted. Win/loss and lead analysis yield insights but balance with trends.

9. Facilitate improved collaboration between sales and other groups.

– Build account management coordination with customer success
– Improve handoff processes between marketing and sales
– Foster executive relationship-building with ride-alongs

Pros and Cons:
Full customer views help account managers prioritize but risk info overload. Clear marketing and sales handoffs improve results if Service Level Agreements hold. Executive ride-alongs build empathy but scheduling is difficult.

10. Conduct sales organization culture assessment.

– Survey salespeople on engagement and satisfaction
– Interview executives on desired versus current culture
– Review trends from exit interviews

Pros and Cons:
Surveys provide data to improve engagement but risk survey fatigue. Desired culture articulation assists realignment but execution takes time. Exit interview data identifies trouble spots but sample is biased.