Here is the integrated consulting plan with all details fully defined:

Phase 1Business Process Management Consulting (Months 1-2)

– Week 1: Kickoff – scope, metrics, risks
– Weeks 2-3: As-is process mapping
– Weeks 4-6: Redesign workflows
– Weeks 7-8: Finalize workflows, documentation
– Monthly: Status meetings, milestone reviews

– Consulting fees: $20k/month
– Travel expenses: $2k
– Work session supplies: $3k
– Internal team time: $40k
– Total budget: $85k

Quality Assurance:
– Weekly consultant status reports
– Sales Ops signoff after each workflow mapped
– User acceptance testing plan
– Satisfaction survey after deployment

Success Metrics:
– Shortened sales cycle length
– Increased lead conversion rates
– Reduced administrative tasks
– On-time deliverables
– Budget adherence

– Organizational resistance to change
– Lack of participation from stakeholders
– Poor adoption due to inadequate change management

– Proactive change management activities
– Executive mandates for participation
– Training refreshers to drive adoption

Phase 2Business Efficiency Consulting (Months 3-4)

– Week 1: Kickoff – scope, metrics, risks
– Weeks 2-4: Evaluate sales process and data efficiency
– Weeks 5-7: Identify efficiency opportunities
– Weeks 8-10: Implement efficiency improvements
– Monthly: Status meetings, milestone reviews

– Consulting fees: $25k/month
– Travel expenses: $2k
– Implementation costs: $75k
– Internal team time: $50k
– Total budget: $200k

Quality Assurance:
– Requirements signoff by Sales Ops, IT
– Success criteria for each initiative
– Adoption targets and reports
– ROI impact analysis

Success Metrics:
– Increased sales productivity
– Improved data efficiency
– Shortened sales cycle times
– Consulting delivery satisfaction

– Poor adoption of new efficient processes
– Lack of change management and training
– Initiatives fail to demonstrate ROI

– Additional training and support
– Executive reinforcement
– Scope moderation if ROI unclear

Phase 3Operations Consulting (Months 5-6)

– Week 1: Kickoff – scope, metrics, risks
– Weeks 2-3: Evaluate current operations practices
– Weeks 4-5: Identify improvement opportunities
– Weeks 6-8: Create implementation plans
– Monthly: Status meetings, milestone reviews

– Consulting fees: $30k/month
– Travel expenses: $2k
– Implementation costs: $100k
– Internal team time: $30k
– Total budget: $192k

Quality Assurance:
– Initiative plans approved by VP Sales
– Success criteria for each project
– Project status reporting
– Milestone signoffs

Success Metrics:
– Operations efficiency gains
– Consulting delivery satisfaction
– Implementation timeliness
– Budget adherence

– Scope creep on initiatives
– Resource constraints
Leadership priority changes

– Careful scope management
– Proactive resource planning
– Leadership alignment maintenance

Phase 4Human Resources Consulting (Months 7-8)

– Week 1: Kickoff – scope, metrics, risks
– Weeks 2-4: Analyze team competencies, identify gaps
– Weeks 5-7: Create talent development initiatives
– Weeks 8-10: Begin rolling out programs
– Monthly: Status meetings, milestone reviews

– Consulting fees: $25k/month
– Travel expenses: $2k
– Program development costs: $50k
– Internal team time: $40k
– Total budget: $157k

Quality Assurance:
– Skills assessment reports
– Program materials approved by Sales Ops
– Participation and feedback surveys
– Initiative adoption targets

Success Metrics:
– Competency improvements
– Program participation
– Consulting delivery satisfaction
– Budget adherence

– Poor participation due to competing priorities
– Initiatives fail to demonstrably close skills gaps
– Unclear program applicability

– Executive reinforcement of participation
– Scope adjustment based on assessments
– Increased change management

Phase 5Project Management Consulting (Months 9-12)

– Week 1: Kickoff – scope, metrics, risks
– Weeks 2-4: Create project plans and resource models
– Weeks 5-8: Provide PM coaching and support
– Weeks 9-12: Monitor initiative rollouts and adoption
– Monthly: Status meetings, milestone reviews

– Consulting fees: $30k/month
– Travel expenses: $3k
– Internal team time: $60k
– Total budget: $186k

Quality Assurance:
– Project plans approved by Sales Ops
– Plan success criteria defined
– Status reports and milestone reviews
– Initiative adoption reports

Success Metrics:
– Project rollout timeliness
– Consulting delivery satisfaction
– Initiative adoption rates
– Budget adherence

– Poor participation and engagement
– Scope creep
– Resource constraints

– Executive mandates for participation
– Change control processes
– Proactive resource forecasting and adjustment

Phase 6Sales Strategy Consulting (Months 13-14)

– Week 1: Kickoff – scope, metrics, risks
– Weeks 2-4: Analyze sales strategies, processes, compensation
– Weeks 5-7: Define improvement strategies
– Weeks 8-10: Create implementation plans
– Monthly: Status meetings, milestone reviews

– Consulting fees: $30k/month
– Travel expenses: $2k
– Implementation costs: $50k
– Internal team time: $30k
– Total budget: $132k

Quality Assurance:
– Strategy review signoff by VP Sales
– Implementation plan success criteria
– Milestone reviews
– Progress reporting

Success Metrics:
– Strategy adoption
– Implementation timeliness
– Consulting delivery satisfaction
– Budget adherence

– Resistance to strategy changes
– Poor participation and engagement
– Leadership priority shifts

– Proactive change management
– Executive reinforcement
– Leadership alignment maintenance

Phase 7Sales Leadership Consulting (Months 15-18)

– Week 1: Kickoff – scope, metrics, risks
– Weeks 2-6: Assess capabilities, identify opportunities
– Weeks 7-12: Create leadership development initiatives
– Weeks 13-18: Deliver leadership programming
– Monthly: Status meetings, milestone reviews

– Consulting fees: $25k/month
– Travel expenses: $3k
– Program development costs: $75k
– Delivery and materials: $50k
– Internal team time: $60k
– Total budget: $268k

Quality Assurance:
– Assessment reports and findings
– Leadership program materials reviewed by VP Sales
– Participant evaluation surveys
– Program completion rates

Success Metrics:
– Leadership capability improvements
– Program participation
– Delivery satisfaction
– Budget adherence

– Manager resistance to change
– Poor participation due to competing priorities
– Initiatives fail to have lasting impact

– Executive reinforcement
– Increased change management
– Scope adjustments based on assessments

Here is a budget summary for the integrated 7 phase consulting plan:

  • Phase 1 – Business Process Management: Total Budget: $85,000
  • Phase 2 – Business Efficiency: Total Budget: $200,000
  • Phase 3 – Operations: Total Budget: $192,000
  • Phase 4Human Resources: Total Budget: $157,000
  • Phase 5 – Project Management: Total Budget: $186,000
  • Phase 6Sales Strategy: Total Budget: $132,000
  • Phase 7 – Sales Leadership: Total Budget: $268,000

Total Consulting Plan Budget:

Consulting Fees: $370,000 Travel Expenses: $17,000 Implementation Costs: $225,000 Internal Team Time: $280,000 Work Sessions/Program Materials: $128,000

Total Integrated Consulting Plan Budget: $1,020,000

In summary, the total budget for the integrated 7 phase consulting engagement plan is approximately $1,020,000. This factors in consulting costs, travel expenses, implementation costs, internal team time, and work session materials across all phases.

Here is an outlook simulation of potential outcomes from the integrated consulting engagement:

Worst Case Outcome:
  • Phase 1: Process changes bogged down by bureaucracy and infighting.
  • Phase 2: Efficiency gains limited by poor data practices.
  • Phase 3: Operations changes receive lackluster adoption and impact.
  • Phase 4: Skills initiatives have low participation.
  • Phase 5: Project rollouts plagued by mismanagement.
  • Phase 6: Strategic changes resisted across sales organization.
  • Phase 7: Leadership development hindered by siloed mindsets.
In this scenario, lack of executive sponsorship, change resistance, poor data hygiene, and ineffective project governance leads to very limited ROI from the consulting engagement. Significant squandered time and investment.
Regular Case Outcome:
  • Phase 1: Processes improved modestly but serious inefficiencies remain.
  • Phase 2: Some productivity gains realized but larger opportunities missed.
  • Phase 3: Operations initiatives have measured success but gaps persist.
  • Phase 4: Skills development grows competencies but strategic needs unmet.
  • Phase 5: Project rollouts executed but behind schedule, over budget.
  • Phase 6: Strategic changes adopted but diluted from original intent.
  • Phase 7: Leadership skills improve but retention concerns continue.
In this scenario, consulting initiatives have tangible but moderate impact. Change is evolutionary rather than transformational. Results underwhelm executive expectations relative to investment.
Best Case Outcome:
  • Phase 1: Streamlined processes reduce sales cycles 30%.
  • Phase 2: Data-driven efficiency gains double sales productivity.
  • Phase 3: Operations alignment accelerates velocity 30%.
  • Phase 4: Strategic competency development enhances complex deal success 50%.
  • Phase 5: Project oversight keeps major initiatives on-time, on-budget.
  • Phase 6: Revamped strategy and compensation ignite sales growth trajectory.
  • Phase 7: Leadership excellence ignites culture shift, fuels results.
In this scenario, consulting plan is a game-changer. Executive sponsorship, change leadership, and rigorous program governance leads to highly tangible returns. Sales productivity, operations excellence, leadership culture transformed.
The level of outcomes depends heavily on executive commitment, change management, participant engagement, data hygiene, and governance. But the potential exists for truly transformative or only marginal results.